Dark Scrum?

Thank you to Ron Jeffries for stating it so clearly...


But there is a connection between the 17 old men who had a meeting in Snowbird, and the poor devils working in the code mines of insurance companies in Ohio,

suffering under the heel of the boot of the draconian sons of expletives who imposed a bastardized version of something called Scrum on them.

We started this thing and we should at least feel sad that it has sometimes gone so far off the rails. And we should do what we can to keep it from going more off the rails, and to help some people get back on the rails.

There is no Quality Control on Scrum training or coaching. None, not any, zero.

And is what’s being done enough? Not in my book. As long as one programmer somewhere is suffering under Dark Scrum, not enough has been done. And them as has profited from this wave of Agile Enthusiasm is the ones what owes help to the poor bilge-rats down in the mines.


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