This Job’s Easy But I Make It Hard
Note: Today's Post is from a guest contributor and one of my favorite Agile-ists, Dan Greenberg. I am fortunate to have been his coach when he first started his Agile journey - and even more fortunate to be his friend. As a Scrum Master, I have good days and bad. There are the days when I feel a limitless surge of energy, when I see my team joking around with one another while getting real work accomplished and having difficult conversations in a productive manner. The backlog is the holy grail, the sprint is sacred, the team is empowered, stakeholders are delighted, and there is a palpable aura of levity on the development floor. Then, there is the reverse side of the coin when everything feels tense, when the stiff waterfall corporate energy overtakes the room, when every action I take seems to exacerbate the frustration, and I question my abilities, my fit for this position, and my life choices to this point (okay, I’m being dramatic, but trust me it can ...