Imposing Agile...

Gil Broza nails it with this article "Imposing Agile is a Non-Starter"

Author of "The Human Side of Agile" and "The Agile Mind-Set" as well as a visionary trainer (and one of my favorite Agilists), reminds us that we can only coach the willing, or as Jeff Sutherland (co-creator of Scrum) says,  "Agile innovation depends on having a cadre of eager participants" 

While you are at it, do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of one of Gil's books, or better yet, attend one of his upcoming training sessions!

Thanks Gil!!

Looking for experience-based training to help you grow as an Agile leader? The single remaining session of “Practical Agile Leadership” in 2019 is in Boston this November, and the price is going up on Sunday. Join me for two immersive days of pragmatic guidance. Here is what a past attendee had to say:

The content focused purely on the Agile Mindset and making Agile choices. So much of the training we are offered mixes behaviors and frameworks, when in fact the Mindset is the hardest to master. The course certainly lives up to its name, imparting a lot of practical knowledge on applying agile behaviors in the workplace.

For details and signup go here.

3P Vantage: People, Product, Process
Helping you increase organizational agility and team performance

Contact: Gil Broza
Agile Mindset & Leadership Coach, Trainer, and Owner


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